collaborative robot programming, simulation and control software
operators and robots
work better together
deploy your collaborative robot application in minutes
decode enables users with no robotics or programming expertise to flexibly automate new and variable tasks, that would require days of specialist work using conventional offline robot programming (OLRP) software or leadthrough teaching
robot digital twin simulation and validation
build a digital twin
Start by creating a digital twin of your robot cell, to simulate and validate machine behaviour.
decode simplifies this with:
A no-code robot programming software and a robot simulation software
generate toolpaths
Quickly and easily program your robot by combining robot actions with our library of customisable toolpath generators.
human-robot collaboration workflow
create a workflow
In decode, workflows provide a powerful way to define collaborative work instructions for operators, robots and sensors.
decode combines a robot programming software, a robot simulation software and a robot control software
decode can be used in any application with industrial robots or cobots.
decode is an extremely flexible and easy robot programming software and robot simulation software, compatible with more than 1000 robots.
It can be used to program ABB robots and cobots, Doosan cobots, Fanuc robots and cobots, Inovo Robotics cobots, Kawasaki robots, Kuka robots, Mitsubishi robots and cobots, Staubli robots and cobots, UFactory xArm cobots, Universal Robots cobots, and Yaskawa robots and cobots.
decode is designed to work with any industrial robots or cobots. If your robot is not listed yet, please contact us.
Use cases
decode and the HAL Robotics Framework software platform are robust robot simulation software and robot programming software, used in manufacturing, construction, food and beverage, aerospace and many other industries.
Discover how our customers benefit from HAL Robotics’ software and consultancy services to deploy innovative robotic applications in manufacturing, construction and entertainment industries.

The HAL Robotics Framework: a no-code programming and robot simulation software platform
The HAL Robotics Framework
Underpinning decode and our services is the HAL Robotics Framework, an extensible and modular software which facilitates adaptive programming of robot tasks, inter-device communication, and motion planning for one or many robots working together.
The Framework covers an end-to-end workflow from cell modelling right through to robot execution and deployment.
With our highly flexible robot simulation and programming software and SDK, HAL Robotics helps academic and corporate research push the boundaries of robotics in the UK, Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia.

and many more…